法 Joel Halioua/乔尔·哈里奥先生

时间:2017-05-16 16:41来源:IPA秘书处 作者:管理团队 点击:
Joël Halioua/乔尔·哈里奥先生  法国
国际摄影协会副主席,生于1956年2月,毕业于法国巴黎第七大学,生物和环境学硕士,80年代初担任摇滚杂志社的编辑和独立摄影师。后来成为PHOTO-REPORTER  和IL MAGAZINE杂志双月刊主编,致力于新闻摄影和时尚生活方式的报道。 2000年担任法国环境和自然杂志主编。并且与同年创立自己的图片社,邀请国际知名摄影记者关注自然和环境问题。同时也是法国We Demain杂志社摄影总监,J.H.Editorial Agency杂志主编。 Saint-Brieuc国际摄影艺术节顾问和艺术总监,他与世界各地的专业 和业余摄影师建立广泛的联系,拥有全球最好的自然和环境报道团队,是美 国国家地理杂志,华盛顿邮报,焦点杂志,费加罗杂志,巴黎日报等知名媒 体的合作伙伴和图片提供商,参与众多广告拍摄,例如法国巴黎银行,标志 汽车,索尼,纪梵希等等,在埃菲尔铁塔举办过大型新闻摄影展。

Joël Halioua
Born : 02/13/1956 in Paris XII
Nationality : French

I launched J.H. Editorial, my own photo agency in 2000, representing a selected group of internationally acclaimed photojournalists focusing on nature and environmental issues.
In parallel to this activity, I was hired as editorial consultant and art director for the International Festival Photoreporter in Saint-Brieuc in 2013 and 2014, and joined the French magazine We Demain as Director of Photography in 2015.
Before that, I have been in charge for more than 13 years of both editorial and visual content of the (then) leading nature magazine in France. Looking for new material all over the world, establishing contacts with amateurs and professionals alike, trying to turn a concept into images on a daily basis, publishing six to seven stories a month and writing articles as well.
This editorial experience allowed me to translate the visual needs of my clients in magazines, advertising agencies and book publishing companies.
Also, I created a Masterclass on Photoreportage, a series of training cycles lead by prominent active photoreporters and editors, to share practical experience on every aspect of this discipline. The sessions will open in June 2016 on the campus of the University of Rennes/Saint-Brieuc.
2000 - current
C.E.O. and sole owner of Joël Halioua Editorial Agency, currently representing the best reporters on nature and environment.
- Major publications in news weekly supplements (Figaro magazine, Le Monde 2, Paris-Match, Stern, VSD), picture driven magazines (National Geographic USA, Airone, Focus, Geo, Ikono, View) and numerous coffee table books.
- Created a series on Biodiversity for the Washington Post online.
- Numerous advertising campaigns (BNP Paribas, Peugeot, Sony, Suez, Givenchy). 
- Set up an international exhibition on biodiversity “Vivants/Alive” hosted by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
- Major exhibitions on the Eiffel Tower, at the Visa pour l'Image International Festival of Photojournalism, at the Palais-Royal, and at the Montier-en Der and La Gacilly Festivals
- Major retrospective exhibition of J.H. Editorial Agency at Festival Peuples et Nature.
- Jury member for Visa pour l'Image International Festival of Photojournalism, BBC Wildlife, Festival Photoreporter
Executive Editor and Director of Photography of the (then) leading nature and environment magazine in France, 11 issues a year, monthly print run 160 000 copies.
- Co-founder of Terre sauvage, launched by Editions Nuit et Jour
- In charge of editorial and visual content of the magazine
- Interviews, articles, writers’ supervision
- Research and purchase of features through international agencies and photographers. Annual budget for photography in excess of 365 000 Euros.
- Speaker at various conventions of nature photographers (North American Nature Photographers Association, BBC Wildlife Awards, GDT, etc.) and yearly participant at Visa pour l’Image, the International Festival of Photojournalism.
- Participation at National Geographic Society’s internal seminar in Washington, D.C..
1985-1986 TF1
Independent journalist
- Author and director for ten features broadcast by major public French television channel in “Extérieur Nuit”, a culture and society magazine. Features ranging from society, news, portraits, to investigations in detention centers.
Managing editor for two monthlies (125 000 copies and 80 000 copies) in parallel
- In charge of visual and editorial content of Photo-Reporter, a monthly essentially devoted to photojournalism, and Il Magazine, a fashion and lifestyle men’s magazine.
- Interviews, articles, rewriting and general supervision of both monthlies.
- Contacts with press agencies, photojournalists, art and fashion photographers, and major camera, film and photo gear brands.
- Portfolio selection, casting of models for fashion production shoots.
Managing editor, in charge of the editorial and visual content of the monthly rock music magazine
1980-1982 Independent photojournalist
Freelance provider of text and photo essays for specialized press and record companies
Université Paris VII, Master in Biology and Environment.
Member of Société des Gens de Lettres, Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia, of the North American Nature Photographers Association, and of Green Cross, founded by Mikhael Gorbachev.
